Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - April 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 3rd, 2010

vājības un krusti [Apr. 3rd, 2010|03:33 am]
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[Current Mood |žāvas]
[Current Music |somebody sneering]

džīzas! [i don't know if there's a reason for me call for the guy so often]
but that's exactly the reason i DON'T do tv series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

['fāk' stpc bija 'remember me' pēdējo divu minūšu konstants un vienīgais komentārs]
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i love my daddy [Apr. 3rd, 2010|01:47 pm]
[Current Mood |hepī]
[Current Music |ok go - shooting the moon]

nezinu, vai visi tēti ir tik kompetenti tētošanas ziņā.
bet kad tēvs 20gadīgai meitai prasa, vai viņa uz kino ņēma savu mīksto mantiņu [to keep her company] un uzzinot, ka nē un ka tedijs [that's his name] ir apvainojies un jau otro nakti guļ blakusistabā, tikai skaļi smejas [tā it kā meitai būtu 5 gadi un viņas fantāzijas būtu really amusing]. un kad es iestarpinu, ka ja ar tediju neizlīgsim līdz mans reālais TĀS dienas [4.dienas] kinobiedrs atgriezīsies no laukiem, tad viņa [tā bija meitene] atnāks un izskaidros tedijam, ka kinogājiens bija spontāns un negaidīts. tētis smejas vēl skaļāk..
vot tā.. [man bija jaukas brokastis, kamēr tētim bija pusdienas..]
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neieplānots rīsērčš [part VI] [Apr. 3rd, 2010|02:04 pm]
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[Current Mood |still happy]
[Current Music |death cab for cutie - meet me on the equinox]

- You got hit by the thunderbolt, eh? - Fabrizzio said, clapping him on the shoulder.
Even Calo became friendly, patting him on the arm and saying,
- Easy, man, easy, - but with affection. As if Michael had been hit by a car.
Fabrizzio handed him a wine bottle and Michael took a long slug. It cleared his head.
- What the hell are you damn sheep lovers talking about? - he said.
Both men laughed. Calo, his honest face filled with the utmost seriousness, said,
- You can’t hide the thunderbolt. When it hits you, everybody can see it. Christ, man, don’t be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt. You’re a lucky fellow.
Michael wasn’t too pleased about his emotions being so easily read. But this was the first time in his life such a thing had happened to him. It was nothing like his adolescent crushes, it was nothing like the love he’d had for Kay, a love based as much on her sweetness, her intelligence and the polarity of the fair and dark. This was an overwhelming desire for possession, this was an unerasable printing of the girl’s face on his brain and he knew she would haunt his memory every day of his life if he did not possess her. His life had become simplified, focused on one point, everything else was unworthy of even a moment’s attention.
- Have you ever heard of imprinting?
- What is it? - I prodded.
Jacob’s eyes strayed to the ocean.
- Sam did love Leah. But when he saw Emily, that didn’t matter anymore. Sometimes... we don’t exactly know why... we find our mates that way. - His eyes flashed back to me, his face reddening. - I mean... our soul mates.
- What way? Love at first sight? - I snickered.
Jacob wasn’t smiling. His dark eyes were critical of my reaction.
- It’s a little bit more powerful than that. More absolute.
- Love at first sight? But more powerful? - My voice still sounded dubious, and he could hear that.
- It’s not easy to explain. It doesn’t matter, anyway. - He shrugged indifferently. - You wanted to know what happened to Sam to make him hate the vampires for changing him, to make him hate himself. And that’s what happened. He broke Leah’s heart. He went back on every promise he’d ever made her. Every day he has to see the accusation in her eyes, and know that she’s right.
- The imprinting compulsion is one of the strangest things I’ve ever witnessed in my life, and I’ve seen some strange things. - He shook his head wonderingly. - The way Sam is tied to his Emily is impossible to describe or I should say her Sam. Sam really had no choice.
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noklusētais [Apr. 3rd, 2010|03:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |sly]
[Current Music |part of the plan]

vsp tik daudz ko neierakstu un aizmirstu..

1) mani 3.dien bildināja
2) edgars ir atteicies no filmām un grāmatām [jo viņam nepatīk tādas lietas]
3) 2.reiz sapņojām par līdzīgām tēmām
4) remember me ir viena faking kruta filma [kuru es neesmu dabūjusi]
5) man bija super-sapnis šonakt, kur bija Kolms Feore. un baseini ar šķēršļiem.
6) un man ir viens traks plāns [kuru sāku īstenot :D ]
7) man uzbrūk papagailis
8) es viņu visu laiku saucu par ārčiju [pilnīgi dusma rauj]
9) un protams māju aptieciņā ir VISS - izņemot ūdeņraža pārskābi, zeļonku un plāksterus
10) projektēšana? kas tā tāda?
11) es ienīstu seriālus!
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notification [about a system error] [Apr. 3rd, 2010|11:50 pm]
[Current Mood |hepī]
[Current Music |filma :P]

hā - skatos kārtējo 'ā, toč tāda arī bija jānoskatās!' filmu

[1 h un 45 min vēlāk] -> "un bija jau arī!"
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