11 July 2014 @ 10:45 am
Par tamborēšanām un adīšanām runājot, man ir stipri vien vienalga, kurš to dara vai nedara, ja tikai beigās tur sanāk kaut kas jēdzīgs. Un ar "jēdzīgs" es nedomāju aptamborētus akmeņus, Jesus fuck, why would anyone.
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deestructa: ripinos[info]neoplasm on July 11th, 2014 - 02:12 pm
really, that person is in a desperate need of getting a life, it must be a cry for help.
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falter ego: wouldn't dream of it[info]shiry on July 11th, 2014 - 02:29 pm
No tā pārdevēja apraksta: "I can design a special wedding stone for you". Yes, to bludgeon your significant other with.
I mean, what the actual fuck.
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