| Jul. 9th, 2009 @ 10:00 am  |
dziesma par mani
You raise up your head
And you ask, "Is this where it is?"
And somebody points to you and says
"It's his"
And you say, "What's mine?"
And somebody else says, "Where what is?"
And you say, "Oh my God
Am I here all alone?"
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones? ... Now you see this one-eyed midget
Shouting the word "NOW"
And you say, "For what reason?"
And he says, "How?"
And you say, "What does this mean?"
And he screams back, "You're a cow
Give me some milk
Or else go home"
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones? |
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From: | punkts |
Date: |
July 9th, 2009 - 08:11 pm |
(Link) |
tikai nav tā, ka es neko nesaprotu, un tas padara mani par sabiedrības ienaidnieku
esi pārliecināts, ka par Tevi? Man šķiet, ka Tu varētu būt tajā pusē, kur midžits un BD. Misters Džons ir kāds mazāk attapīgs (piem., mēs-neradošie), kuram ir vajadzīgs, lai filozofija tomēr būtu govs, no kuras izslaukt pienu
![[User Picture Icon]](http://klab.lv/userpic/172532/275) |
From: | punkts |
Date: |
July 11th, 2009 - 11:15 am |
(Link) |
tas viss nav tik vienkārši
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