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Zvēra Skaitlis

Posted by [info]nefolk on 2010.10.08 at 23:23

The answer to the number 666 or the Mark Of The Beast is very simple.
If you look on the Internet, there are millions of answers. Anywhere from barcodes
to chips implanted under the skin. The answer is simply 9 or Tet in Hebrew.
It is the numerical symbol of truth and eternity in the Hebrew language.

Here is the simple (sic) answer to 666 or The Mark Of The Beast!

Un tagat, ē pasakiet man, kur šeit slēpjas tas Sātans?
(Jēzu skipojam.) Numeroloģijā? Valodā? Algebrā? Jūdaismā? Mātē dabā? Moš visur?
Vai vispār 666 būtu kāds sakars ar nelabo, ja ne Kraulijs un vispirms jau šitais, ē Jānis Atklājējs?
Es tikai padomāju, ja nu lādzīgs cipars, tikai šitā popkultūras piesmiets, ka sick sick sick

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