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Jan. 14., 2010 | 06:36 pm

Customer: “Excuse me, I sent a letter last week but it came back. Can you tell me why?”

Me: “Sure, do you have it with you?”

(The customer hands it over. It doesn’t take long to figure out the problem.)

Me: “Oh, okay. You’re going to need a valid house address to have it sent.”

Customer: “I did put the address!”

Me: “That’s an email address, ma’am.”

Customer: “Yes, and it’s valid. I checked!”


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Comments {2}

Siderius Nuncius

aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]mapet
date: Jan. 15., 2010 - 12:56 pm

ļoti interesants saits.

Sad customer: “And also, you bring me tea because this country is very cold and I am sick.”

Me: “I’m sorry you’re not well. Of course I’ll bring you some tea.”

Sad customer: “…and then you marry me, because no-one will marry me.”

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aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]rabarbermaize
date: Jan. 15., 2010 - 01:35 pm

Paldies par adresi!ar to tu izglābi vismaz pāris h no manas garlaicīgās darbadienas! vienai smieties ir diezgan forši. :)

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