: who's that girl? - trīs C.

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Jūlijs 31., 2007

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10:27 - trīs C.
Ja arī no rīta var būt kaut labāks par
coffee ~ chocolate ~ cigarette
I Do Not Care.

Mūzika: The Knife - Wanting To Kill

(8 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:31. Jūlijs 2007 - 14:50
zini, es tevi mazliet apskaužu. pavisam mazliet, tā, lai pats varētu cerēt, ka tas neizrādīsies aizvainojoši. ne par 3C, bet gan par I Do Not Care. brīžiem tik ļoti gribētos, kaut varētu to teikt par pilnīgi visu. un vispār.
[User Picture]
Date:4. Augusts 2007 - 22:47
I Do Not Care
about the things i don't have
I Care
about what i have

i am a very emotional person
[User Picture]
Date:4. Augusts 2007 - 22:49
kļūdu labojums.

nevis "i don't have"
bet "others have"
[User Picture]
Date:5. Augusts 2007 - 03:12
It is both a great bliss and even greater pain, to be able to feel, in this frozen, senseless world. But, regardless of anything, I wouldn't lose my moments of despair and happiness, even if such possibility were at hand. And, I think, you wouldn't, too.
[User Picture]
Date:5. Augusts 2007 - 13:01
it is so difficult to feel.
it is so easy to feel.

i wouldn't.
and, for god's sakes, trust me on this one,- i couldn't. :)
[User Picture]
Date:5. Augusts 2007 - 17:30
i know.
i know.

i - know?
i have nothing against trusting you on more than this.
[User Picture]
Date:5. Augusts 2007 - 22:44
i don't care, what did i do or what i did not do, to make you want to trust me, but trust is something very, very.. very, very.
just be truthful.
[User Picture]
Date:6. Augusts 2007 - 01:57
this is most probably an offtopic, too, but i had already forgotten this feeling where the lifeline turns into a circle, and its end touches the beginning. all i can do is to stand in the middle and watch how the maelstrom starts to form. never thought it would happen, not like this. whatever.

maybe you did nothing to make me want to trust you. trust, like all the sublime foundamentals of life, sometimes comes unconditional and requires only one thing. i think you know what it is.

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