Porn-spiced Action/Adventure baudas
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Jan. 9th, 2009 | 03:05
Skan: Yuzo Koshiro - Bare Knuckle III OST - Round 3-I
Horror žanra baudīšanai derētu tā kā nedaudz vairāk pievienot pārstāvjus no Adventure/Action žanriem, radot plašāku videospēlēšanās baudu. PlayStation 3 konsole man vēl nav un gadu vai kādus gadus vēl nebūs, jo priekšnosacījums būtu vismaz 49" HDTV iegāde ar vismaz 1080p standartu. Pirms attiecīgā vārdiņa kļūšanas par ļaužu mēļu pastāvīgo iemītnieku, biju domājis šāda verķa iegādi iekš 2009. vai 2010. Bet nu - reāli būtu skatīties uz padsmitajiem datumiem. Neskatoties uz to, noskatītas ir šādas šķietami garšīgas videospēles - dikti piselīgas, Action-Adventure bāzētas "eye-candy" tipa baudas, cerams, ka ar labu stāstu (klikot uz bildēm):
- X-Blades - 177.html
- Bayonetta - tml
X-Blades is an upcoming action-adventure game for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. The player assumes the role of Ayumi, a pistol-blade user. The game was developed by Gaijin Entertainment and will be published by SouthPeak Interactive and TopWare Interactive. It was already released in December, 2007 by 1C Company only in the Russian language for Microsoft Windows, under the title Oniblade.
Electronic Gaming Monthly calls its "lead character, Ayumi...a typical sassy, scantily clad, smart-talking bad girl, who proves once and for all that a bikini-thong combination is suitable armor for taking on hordes of...just about anything."
Bayonetta is an upcoming video game for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, developed by PlatinumGames in cooperation with Sega, who will publish the title. Directed by Hideki Kamiya, creator of the Devil May Cry series, it will tell the story of the eponymous witch, Bayonetta, who has guns on her feet and hands, blowing off the heads of monsters masquerading as angels. Creator Hideki Kamiya has said that "Bayonetta will blow the doors off the action genre".
The main character in Bayonetta is a witch who uses her own hair to perform magical attacks against her foes. She also uses handguns and a variety of other weapons. Another male character(Lucan)was shown in the TGS 2008 trailer, though his role in the game is unknown.
Mmmm, Manga + erotika + Devil May Cry + God Of War... Ar šādu kombināciju kļūdīties ir ļoti grūti! Piselīgi, izskatīgi, adventurīgi, actionīgi, eksplorerīgi un ar klasikas garšu, ņam.
Jautājums prognozēm: cik reižu gribēšu kniebties šo spēļu laikā?
- X-Blades -
- Bayonetta -

Electronic Gaming Monthly calls its "lead character, Ayumi...a typical sassy, scantily clad, smart-talking bad girl, who proves once and for all that a bikini-thong combination is suitable armor for taking on hordes of...just about anything."

The main character in Bayonetta is a witch who uses her own hair to perform magical attacks against her foes. She also uses handguns and a variety of other weapons. Another male character(Lucan)was shown in the TGS 2008 trailer, though his role in the game is unknown.
Mmmm, Manga + erotika + Devil May Cry + God Of War... Ar šādu kombināciju kļūdīties ir ļoti grūti! Piselīgi, izskatīgi, adventurīgi, actionīgi, eksplorerīgi un ar klasikas garšu, ņam.
Jautājums prognozēm: cik reižu gribēšu kniebties šo spēļu laikā?
P.S. Gribēju tikai minēt abas spēles bez liekas muldēšanas. I Failed. Šķiet, ka neprotu izteikties īsi, neko nepasakot no sevis :D
date: Jan. 9th, 2009 - 03:33
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date: Jan. 9th, 2009 - 03:34
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