Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver
Dec. 15th, 2008 | 11:50
No: : disfigurator

Beidzot iebraucu šīs spēles puzles tipos un game-play mehānismos.
Tik ļoti man iepatikās šī spēle, kuras oriģināls glīti gulēja manā plauktā vairāku mēnešu ilgumā, ka šodien pievienoju višlistei visu sēriju, kura sākās ar RPG, bet izauga līdz Adventure - forma, kuras ietvaros baudu šo spēli tagad. Recenzija sekos, bet viens jāpiemin: spēle ir kriptiskas un senas angļu valodas paraugstunda, atmiņas treniņš un baudījums dvēselei at it's finest.
Legacy of Kain is a series of video games developed initially by Silicon Knights in association with Crystal Dynamics. After a legal battle, Crystal Dynamics continued the series without Silicon Knights and Eidos Interactive became the publisher. Each game in the series incorporates elements of action and puzzle-solving in its gameplay and all are set in the fictional world of Nosgoth, united by the character of Kain, the series' amoral vampire antihero.
To date five games comprise the Legacy of Kain series, (Blood Omen, Blood Omen 2, Soul reaver, Soul reaver 2, Legacy of Kain: Defiance) each one developed for a video game console and later ported to Microsoft Windows. Critics widely praised the games for high-quality voice acting, storytelling, and visuals.
The idea behind Legacy of Kain was first conceived by Denis Dyack, the founder of Silicon Knights, as "a game which adults would want to play", featuring a strong narrative with cinematic elements and gameplay that demanded thought as well as reflexes.