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The news actually presents you a world that has already vanished. | 22. Novembris 2009 - 23:30 |
Maikls Kričtons, ko iespējams interesenti atcerās "Andromēdas celma" vai ne pārāk sen tulkotās "Timeline" dēļ, un kurš mēdza rakstīt romānus par ar konkrētām zinātnes nozarēm saistītām tēmām, savulaik uzrakstījis interesantu runu par to, kāda ir bijusi cilvēku izpratne par viņa grāmatās aprakstīto (arī to cilvēku, kas teorētiski ir speciālisti attiecīgajā jomā): http://www.crichton-official.com/speech-learned.htmlFrom this I drew my first lesson, which is that people live in the past. If you describe to people what is going on in laboratories today, they'll just refuse to believe it. The world they inhabit is a world out of date. This is, I suppose, a truism. Nobody lives in the present. But for a novelist dealing with technology it means that you talk about what is actually going on at your peril. People won't believe it.
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