Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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Cilvēks kā jau miriāde18. Februāris 2006 - 15:16
But that wasn't the worst of it! The brain itself did its own thinking!

This was the hardest part. The bag of soggy tissue behind the eyes worked away independently of its owner. It took in information from the senses, and checked it all against memory, and presented options. Sometimes the hidden parts of it even fought for control of the mouth! Humans weren't individuals, they were, each one, a committee!

Some of the other members of the committee were dark and red and entirely uncivilized. They had joined the brain before civilization; some of them had gotten aboard even before humanity. And the bit that did the joined-up thinking had to figh, in the darkness of the brain, to get the casting vote!
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