Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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prtg & brookingam, par iepriekšējo18. Marts 2009 - 08:23
Man ir slinkums citēt visu, tāpēc tikai (manuprāt) galvenie:

The answer, I think, lies partly in the empiricism and realism that are so deeply rooted in the English psyche, and our related qualities of down-to-earthness and matter-of-factness [...] our distaste for artifice and pretension.

But this is not sufficient explanation [...] the English are quite capable of appreciating much less realistic forms of art and drama; it is only in soap opera that we differ so markedly from the rest of the world; [...] My hunch is that this peculiar taste is somehow closely connected to our obsession with privacy [...] a corollary (of which) is our extreme nosiness, which is only partially satisfied by our incessant gossiping.

Watching soaps such as Eastenders or Coronation Street is like being allowed to peer through a spyhole into the hidden, forbidden, private lives of our neighbours, our social peers -- people like us, but about whom we can normally only guess and speculate. The addictive appeal of these soaps lies in their vicarious satisfaction of this prurient curiosity; soaps are a form of voyeurism. And of course they confirm all of our worst suspicions about what goes on behind our neighbours' firmly closed doors and impenetrable net curtains: adultery, alcoholism, wife-beating, shoplifting, drug-dealing, AIDS, teenage pregnancy, murder...
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