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[Mar. 24th, 2023|11:29 am]
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Date:March 24th, 2023 - 06:08 pm

Re: associated with

The analysis of experimental studies in rats with chemically-induced colon cancer showed that dietary hemoglobin and red meat consistently promote aberrant crypt foci, a putative precancer lesion. The mechanism is not known, but heme iron has a catalytic effect on (i) the endogenous formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and (ii) the formation of cytotoxic and genotoxic aldehydes by lipoperoxidation. A review of evidence supporting these hypotheses suggests that both pathways are involved in heme iron toxicity. Cancer Prev Res; 4(2); 177–84. ©️2011 AACR.

eksperimentāli pētījumi tiek uzskatīti par spēcīgāko kauzalitātes evidenci.