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[Mar. 2nd, 2021|07:56 pm]
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Date:March 4th, 2021 - 12:30 am
Kur statistika par to teju pusi? o_0

(es pieļauju, ka tāds mehānisms nudien arī eksistē un darbojas, bet imnsho tie varētu būt kaut kādi nulkomac procenti no visiem gadījumiem, kā cilvēkam Pielīp Gejs)
[User Picture]
Date:March 4th, 2021 - 02:51 am
Esmu kaut kad postējis savā cibā. Pacentīšos atrast un ielikt saites vēlāk.
[User Picture]
Date:March 4th, 2021 - 10:01 am
kamēr tu meklē.

"Because male homosexuals have usually been found to have poorer relationships with their fathers than male heterosexuals, and because children who are disappointments to their parents are more likely to be physically abused than other children, it was hypothesized that gays are more likely than heterosexual men to have been physically abused by parents. This hypothesis was tested comparing 17 gay male college students and 67 heterosexual male college students. Gay males were found to have been more abused during adolescence. Abuse was related to a history of childhood femininity, to having poor relationships with fathers, and to having engaged in gay sex during adolescence. A history of childhood femininity and engaging in gay sex may provoke parental abuse."
Date:March 8th, 2021 - 08:31 pm
Nais. Avotiņš?
Date:March 31st, 2021 - 02:43 am