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Dienas citāts [May. 14th, 2020|05:26 pm]
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no interneta dzīlēm, bez dižām pretenzijām.

"The formula for happiness: the 4 C's: CONNECT (interpersonally), CONTRIBUTE (to your communities i.e. family, work, neighborhood -- outside yourself), COPE (to reduce stress to improve serotonin receptors, also reduce exposure to blue screens for more Sleep; Mindfulness -- not multitasking; Exercise -- tamps down dopamine, increases serotonin), COOK (Real food e.g. fish, use flax = high tryptophan, amino acid building block of serotonin; Omega 3s--stability to neuronal membranes; also, low fructose)."
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Date:May 15th, 2020 - 12:02 pm
Izskatās pēc hipiju komūnas baušļiem.
[User Picture]
Date:May 15th, 2020 - 01:06 pm
paldies, ka dalījies ar savu viedokli.