Depresīva troļļa piezīmes - July 15th, 2022 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 15th, 2022

Alkohols slikti. [Jul. 15th, 2022|07:36 am]

Four years ago the study said that even the occasional drink was harmful to health, and suggested governments should advise people to abstain entirely.

But after a major new analysis of global data, the experts behind the study have reached fresh conclusions. Young people face higher health risks from alcohol consumption than older adults, they say. But they add that adults aged 40 and older without underlying health conditions may benefit from limited alcohol consumption, such as a small glass of red wine a day, including a reduced risk in cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.
Vajne!? Alkoholu tirgot tikai no 40 gadu vecuma (:
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Tiem, kas raud par AES un zaļajiem un to, ka zaļie vainīgi pie kara Ukrainā. [Jul. 15th, 2022|12:18 pm]

Ja tik nebūtu tos AES aizvēruši, kā dzīvē vācijā sistu augstu vilni. Ja tik ne tie zaļie ar savu zaļo kursu.


Ja tik tie zaļie būtu spieduši arī uz atteikšanos uz krievijas energoresursiem un vēl vairāk atjaunojamo resursu izmantošanu.
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