Faith Club
Faith Club
26. Marts 2003
- Johnny Got His Gun
- 2003.03.26, 00:46
- (veltīts portoss)
If dead mean nothing to us [..], what of our 300,000 wounded? Does anyone know where they are? How they feel? How many arms, legs, ears, noses, mouths, faces, penises they've lost? How many are deaf or dumb or blind or all three? How many are single or double or triple or quadruple amutees? How many will remain immobile for the rest of their days? How many hang on as decerebrated vegetables quietly beathing their lives away in small, dark, secret rooms?
Write the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Army and Naval hospitals, the Directory of Medical Sciences and the National Library of Medicine, the Veterans Administration, the Office of the Surgeon General -- and be surprised by what you don't learn. One agency reports 726 admissions "for amputation services" since January, 1965. Another reports 3,011 aputees since the beginning of the fiscal year 1968. The rest is silence.
The Annual Report of the Surgeon General: Medical Statistics of the United States Army ceased publication in 1954. The Library of Congress reports that Army Office of the Surgeon General for Medical Statistics "does not have figures on single or multiple amputees." Either the government doesn't think them important, or, in the words of one of the national television networks, "the military itself, while sure of how many tons of bombs it has dropped, is unsure of how many legs and arms it's men have lost."
(no 1970 gada priekšvārda Johnny Got His Gun grāmatai (Dalton Trumbo, 1939).
Varbūt esi redzējis Metallica's One videoklipu, kur kurā izmantoti Johnny Got His Gun filmas fragmenti.
( plot summary )
0 rakstair doma
- 2003.03.26, 01:12
- man sāk rasties idejas, kas būtu jādara...
(uzmanību, morālā sāpe!)
1 rakstair doma
- the perfect drug
- 2003.03.26, 01:31
- without you, without you everything falls apart
without you, it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
tā kā journāls ir galēji un neatgriezeniski kļuvis par popsīgu izgāztuvi lohiem, es nopietni pārdomāju veikt asu tīrīšanas akciju.
1) brīva reģistrācija tiks noņemta. reģistrēties varēs tikai ar kodu. kodu varēs saņemt jau no kāda reģistrēta lietotāja. (standarta live-journal fīča)
2) iešu cauri visiem lietotājiem, visas "toksiskās" vai debilās tīņu dienenītes tiks dzēstas. īpaši visādas burbulītes un devilītes. fpizdu, nahuj.
3) akcijas bargums vēršas tikai pret sviestainajiem lošiem(losenēm), kuru teksti no sava debīlisma izsauc vemšanas spazmas (kuras man nespēj izsaukt pat suic ieliktais video).
4) pirms tīrīšanas tiks paziņots kandidātu saraxts, varēsiet kādu "apžēlot".
59 rakstair doma
- 2003.03.26, 13:17
- Sviesta Ciba aizslēgta
atslēga ir nolauzta
Nākošais solis ir urlu iznīcināšana... es esmu uz kara takas, un tā nav laba sajūta.
Lietojiet (pagaidām nestrādā, lai tīņi nepaspēj saģenerēt kaudžu kaudzēm invite kodus)
12 rakstair doma
- 2003.03.26, 18:25
- nē, bērns, tavas dienas ir skaitītas.
78 rakstair doma