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"4 mielasti" from hell [Dec. 10th, 2014|10:04 pm]
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Date:December 11th, 2014 - 07:34 am
From a fascinating 1997 interview with Paul Thomas Anderson by Roger Ebert:

Q. Los Angeles is filled with people who want to direct films. They’re always asking, “How do I get started? What do I do?” You have somehow managed to negotiate a path to that point. What do you tell people who want to be directors?

A. That there is nothing else I can do, and nothing else I will do. “No” is not an option. I have to do this or I will die. I only get to direct because I can write - that’s the key. The scary thing is, if you can write, you hold a lot of cards. They’re starving for material. Starving.


James Ward Byrkit pats raksta. Kur ir mūsu rakstošie režisori?
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Date:December 11th, 2014 - 12:46 pm
Iekš subj. viens netieši minēts, šitas ķinis vislaik nāca prātā, btw.

Vispār es te uzrakstīju garu, nesakarīgu komentāru, no kura pats neko nesapratu, bet man šķiet, ka ilustrācijai mēs te varam vienkārši nolikt mesjē Nolanu. Visas k/f "Following" budžets sastāda 20 sekunžu (!) pašizmaksu no šī paša autora "Interstellar", that's my point.