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Oct. 7th, 2010|02:54 am

Gegege, a man likās, ka šitas par japoškām ir urbānais mīts kaut kāds, tak nē, izrādās, eku viena biedra mailu citēju...
There is no misunderstanding here between David and myself, I am afraid - David clearly did not understand it at all and kept on saying Yes Yes Yes - like the polite Japanese (see below) or like American women faking orgasm.


PS. The Japanese YES was a humbling lesson for me.
Two of my children had Japanese music teachers and I went to a couple of concerts done and run by the Japanese community.
They were serving refreshments and I asked whether they had tea or coffee, to which they said YES.
I took a cup on the left, asked whether it was coffee, and they said YES. I tasted it, it was tea and so I said, Oh, this is actually tea! and I went to the right side of the shelf, took a cup and asked whether THAT was coffee. YES!
So I drank it and it was tea again. Oh, this is actually tea as well I said, do you have coffee at all????, to which they said YES! At which moment another English parent came and explained that there was only tea, the Japanese were rather ashamed they had no coffee for me, and by saying YES YES YES, they were only waiting for me to understand, that I should not keep on asking stupid questions. And so I went back, took another cup of tea, tasted it, and said:
How Wonderful! Finally COFFEE!!!!
And they said....
Pie izdevības jāpatestē.
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