2016.6.20. | 15:06
ratos nebraukšanas murgs ir galā, pārgājām uz sēžamajiem. tagad Simons izskatās uz mata kā Eižens tajā vecumā.
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2016.6.20. | 21:12
This room is all I can remember.
The furniture crappy and cheap.
You win. You escape. You run down the hall.
As I nod the fuck off, and sleep.
ļāvām pirms miega Eiženam noklausīties Go the Fuck to Sleep Read by Samuel L Jackson. patika. saprata beidzot.
The furniture crappy and cheap.
You win. You escape. You run down the hall.
As I nod the fuck off, and sleep.
ļāvām pirms miega Eiženam noklausīties Go the Fuck to Sleep Read by Samuel L Jackson. patika. saprata beidzot.