Moments of being
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Feb. 21st, 2011 | 06:36 pm
music: The Cure - The Loudest Sound
"I mean, how much rebellion did I had to experience? How much fighting did I do? How many times did I had to ignore my fathers inability to emote, how we all ignore our fathers inability to emote in our presence? How much air conditioning did I had to transcend and the comfort that goes along with it, the comfortable couches, the television, the magnitude of static that surrounds us?
I mean, how much daily fighting, infighting, strategizing, evading, running did I had to do... for the ability to feel, for the ability to emote, for the simple moments when I feel actual passion?"
Manuprāt, Bennetta Millera labākā filma ir tieši The Cruise, un nevis Capote.