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Ēnu radības, Haosa suņi, trīs sirdsapziņas rēgi, sudraba pilns mežs, psihodēliju raisošs jaunas raganas brūvējums, sociālie kari, kapi, melnais, baltais un melnbaltais suns, sveču pentagramma un uguns loks, latīņu vārsmas, urlas un vampīri, pēdējais eņģelis un tas, ka viņš nebūt nav pēdējais, sveši silueti spogulī, enerģijas dziras, tuvi cilvēki, ektoplazma, pamodies sapnis un tam visam pa vidu - Saulgrieži. Šis būs varens gads.
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On 23. Decembris 2007, 01:21, [info]mindbound commented:
The Aleph in your eyes.
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On 23. Decembris 2007, 01:41, [info]vilkate replied:
Sir, there are some eyes in your Aleph.
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On 23. Decembris 2007, 03:21, [info]mindbound replied:
Lady dearest, as you may very well know, the Aleph, being concentrate of knowledge about all that is, has to be considered not a property of someone, rather as something common to everyone; so these eyes could be looked upon as belonging to everyone else, not just me.
[User Picture]
On 23. Decembris 2007, 17:11, [info]vilkate replied:
But my Aleph said so. You dare me not to believe in what the concentrate of knowledge about all that is says?
[User Picture]
On 23. Decembris 2007, 20:28, [info]mindbound replied:
My Aleph says there is no possibility for a personal Aleph at all.
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On 23. Decembris 2007, 22:46, [info]vilkate replied:
What if my Aleph makes love with your Aleph and thus creates Alephs that never existed before?
[User Picture]
On 2. Janvāris 2008, 18:01, [info]mindbound replied:
Some new Universes will be born in such an ocassion. But they will always be outside our own, as it is written and calculated, so they do not bother me much. The love of two Alephs, if there is possible more than one at all, that is certainly something that dissolves a bit of mind.
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