Vīpsnas Kakts - "Kleita"

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Jūlijs 18., 2005

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11:26 - "Kleita"

(15 izteicās | m?)


[User Picture]
Date:18. Jūlijs 2005 - 11:29
This one absurd scene describes this movie at its best: Young woman, sleeping in her bed. Door of her room opens. Strange man walks in and steps into her bed. She wakes up in a state of shock. Man puts hand on het mouth and says: ssssshhhhh... it's ok, don't worry! It's only the ticket taker...

96. gada Alex van Warmerdam filma Die Jurk
[User Picture]
Date:18. Jūlijs 2005 - 11:31
[User Picture]
Date:18. Jūlijs 2005 - 11:34
tagad atliektikaj sameklēt un noskatīties, laitā beidzot pamestu manas domas.

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