Krustvārdu mīkla

Esse un 15. maijs - 'El. mīlas peripetijas': part Two

Anna Marija Levi

Esse un 15. maijs - 'El. mīlas peripetijas': part Two

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Sāgas turpinājums (vosjem dnjej spustja):

From: Vedjmah <>
To: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā,
Bcc: Gala produkta apmaksātājs <>,
date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 3:51 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Estonian guy,

this is just to inform you we are starting to negotiate sofas' production with <competitor's office>.
If you still are interested to work with us, please send the price quote ASAP. Otherwise, please consider we are cancelling our verbal commitments.


From: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā
To: Vedjmah <>
date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 3:53 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Vedjmah,
I will make an offer to you with those chairs. If you like <competitor's>, go to them. I cant stop you.

Sincerely yours, Estonian Guy
  • no sex, no future, eh?
    • pa šo laiku ir ienācies turpinājums:

      date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:11 PM
      subject Re: sofas

      Dear Estonian Guy,

      what else I can do? I can't get you :)


      date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:18 PM
      subject Re: sofas

      My weeks are very busy. I took this week off. I will make an price offer this Saturday. I will send you. I will guarantee delivery time and you will decide, A or B. That is what I can do during next 2 days. Trust me. I just had hard 3 weeks. Some pictures added.

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