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Beidzot sapratu

Anna Marija Levi

Beidzot sapratu

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ar ko man asociējas J. Brūkleņa grāmata 'Par ķēķi'.

Ar Monica Lewinsky 'par piemiņu' gadiem ilgi skapī glabāto kleitu ar Bila fizioloģiskajiem nospiedumiem pēc izklaidēm Orālajā Kabinetā.
  • Clinton denied having had "a sexual affair," "sexual relations," or "a sexual relationship" with Lewinsky while under oath,[3] and on 26 January 1998 claimed "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" in a nationally televised White House news conference. The line later became famous for its technical verity but deceptive nature, based on one's definition of "sexual relations." (The term oral sex is ambiguous, because it applies to both fellatio and cunnilingus; most journalists assume that fellatio is meant—an assumption supported by the existence of the celebrated blue dress, which could have gotten its celebrated stains during fellatio but not during cunnilingus—but it is still not a precise term.
    • Lūk, jā. Tieši ar šo atšķetinājumu un konstrukciju.
      • technically šķidruma izklaide, mēģinot trāpīt tikai kleitai, lai sargātu ovālā kabineta godu un grīdu
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