Krustvārdu mīkla


Anna Marija Levi


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH. izelpa-ieelpa. ejiet ka jūs visi. maigi nožņaugšu.
  • tāpēc jau saku, ka lai labāk tin pa diegu, kamēr vēl var.

    and i feel like i'm being eaten
    by a thousand million shivering furry holes
    and i know that in the morning i will wake up
    in the shivering cold

    and the spiderman is always hungry...

    "Come into my parlour", said the spider to the fly... "I have something here for you"
    • Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
      Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more
      • Но сгнили их конкретные умы
        В процессе потребления продуктов
        Что им с того, что твой кузен кондуктор,
        Наследный принц Уфы и Костромы.
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