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How different is a plantation from a factory
or a corporation? Slaves had no money, they worked to have a roof over
their heads and some food. There was no way out of that.
The situation being what it is, and human nature being what it is,
we shall return to slave labor as a solution to our economic crash.
I see the elites refusing to give up their supply of luxuries and
forcing others to provide them. The bankers and their bought
politicians will construct the box:
If you are in debt to a credit card or mortgage lender and you have
no job or income to pay it off, the politicians will pass a law that
you must pay off your debt to 'society' by providing your labor free of
charge in a factory or a farm to keep things BAU for the wealthy cheats
to whom you had become indebted in the first place. They will not put
up with a general collapse that could threaten their way of life.
They'll enslave you first.
I dare say many will be grateful for the food and the shelter and
will even accept the societal shame that says they are to blame for
their own predicament.