
Lai cik arī kritiski daži neizteiktos, un, lai cik arī šizofrēniski varētu izskatīties, man tomēr ļoti patīk čeha Jana Švankmajera video darbi.

Vairāk par viņu var izlasīt, piemēram, te: Jan Švankmajer .

"Švankmajer has gained a reputation over several decades for his distinctive use of stop-motion technique, and his ability to make surreal, nightmarish and yet somehow funny pictures."

Iepriekš jau biju licis linkus uz viņa darbu "Dialogs": 1. daļa, 2. daļa , bet nesen iekš YouTube pameklējos vēl un atradu citus viņa darbus, kas radīja interesi iegūt to visu DVD formātā.

Daži video:



Et Cetera


Meat Love


Dimensions of Dialogue Part 1

Dimensions of Dialogue Part 2


Ja neizdosies šamo dabūt netā, vai būs iespēja kaut kā iegūt to filmu, jo apraksts jau man patika:

"When a childless couple learn that they cannot have children, it causes great distress. To ease his wife's pain, the man finds a piece of root in the backyard and chops it and varnishes it into the shape of a child. However the woman takes the root as her baby and starts to pretend that it is real. When the root takes life they seem to have gained a child; but its appetite is much greater than a normal child."
bet iespaidīgākā tomēr ir šī: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117715/