None of the Above ([info]artis) wrote on March 5th, 2009 at 05:57 pm
Manuprāt, tas attiecas uz tēmu:

We know about how associations work because we have one thought, and when it leads to another‚ windows and doors … white and black … [etc.]. But our view of how associations work has been changed in a profound way by a technical innovation, which is something that happens a great deal in psychology and I suppose in all sciences. [..]

It turns out that the kinds of associations that are built in are a lot richer than we thought. When I want to make an impression while giving a talk, I put the word "vomit" on the screen. Just imagine the word "vomit" on the screen. I point out we know from experiments what happens to people within the first second or two that the word "vomit" is present. In the first place there is that enormous range of changes in the associative structure, and the readiness as well.

But there is more that happens. You have a facial reaction. When people see the word "vomit" or hear the word "vomit", and you can take pictures of their face, you will see that the reaction is that they're disgusted. It's more than that. Nobody noticed that this was happening to you, but you recoiled; you recoil when you are presented the word like "vomit". [..]

It's not the real thing, it is a symbolic representation of the real thing, and people are responding to the symbolic representation, in a way as if it were the real thing. It goes on from there. [..] What you end up with as a result of the presentation of a single word like "vomit", you get a lot of changes that reinforce each other. You get an emotional response, and you get a facial response, but the facial response primes emotions.

What you get from this is a sense of where the control of behavior is, and the control of behavior isn't where we think it is. All behavior turns out to be a lot more controlled by the environment.

— Daniel Kahneman, “Two Big Things Happening in Psychology Today”

Sekojoši, ir pamats apšaubīt vai riebumu iespējams kontrolēt, t.i., ir pamats uzskatīt, ka riebums atsevišķos kontekstos var būt fizioloģiska parādiba pār kuru mums ir maz kontroles. Cita lieta — ko ar to iesākt, var jau nereaģēt, ja to prasa situācija — paciest. Es šodien biju pie zobārsta, un nevarētu teikt, ka bija patīkami. Tāpat varētu būt ar toleranci.

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