21 February 2013 @ 03:53 pm
Suns un nekonformisms  
Ja runā par manu pēdējā laika iecienītāko jaunlaiku zinātnieku, tad pagaidām līdera pozīcijas ieņem Viljams Tērners (1508-1568). Iemesls nav tikai tas, ka viņš bija izcilnieks zinātnē vai arī savā laikā salīdzinoši izteikts antiklerikālists. Nez kāpēc mani aizrāva viņa Montī Paitona cienīga dzīves uztvere: "Turner's militant Calvinism (and subversive sense of humour) brought him trouble throughout his life. Henry VIII condemned all his works in 1546 - together with those of Wycliff, Tyndal, and Coverdale - as did Mary in 1555, while in 1564 the Bishop of Bath and Wells suspended Turner, ostensibly for 'Nonconcormity', but more probably in revenge for Turner having trained his dog to pluck the Bishop's cap from his head."

(Drayton Richard(2000) Nature's Government. Science, Imperial Britain, and the 'Improvement' of the World. Yale UP, p. 277)
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thel[info]thel on February 21st, 2013 - 10:04 pm
laba doma - sanāk tādi kā jaunlaiku rokeri.
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helvetica[info]helvetica on February 22nd, 2013 - 02:24 am
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thel[info]thel on February 22nd, 2013 - 07:25 pm
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