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07:18 pm:


[User Picture]
Date:April 7th, 2020 - 04:14 pm
Ljoti labs peedeejaais teikums! Man shkjiet ultimately we are here for each other, bet es piekriitu, it's not just about pashrefleksija and you can't hold space for someone indefinitely if they actually are not even willing to know you (unless you are a therapist or some altruistic teacher).
[User Picture]
Date:April 7th, 2020 - 11:56 pm
nu īstenībā man gandrīz gribas sevi koriģēt, jo man patīk būt pašrefleksijas fonam, autentiski procesi ir interesanti; tas, kas man nepatīk ir, būt neapzinātībā balstītu rantu audeklam.
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