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05:23 pm: achieving the perfect failure
Feeling lonely, we attach ourselves to people, drink, and all sorts of other escapes. Attachment is an escape from loneliness. Can this loneliness be understood and can one find out what is beyond it? That is the real question, not what to do about attachment to people or environment. Can this deep sense of loneliness, emptiness, be transcended?

Any movement at all away from loneliness strengthens the loneliness, and so there is more need than ever before to get away from it.

This makes for attachment which brings its own problems. The problems of attachment occupy the mind so much that one loses sight of the loneliness and disregards it. But the loneliness is acting all the time because there is no difference between cause and effect.

It becomes a cause only when it moves away from itself.

There is loneliness, and apparent movement away from this loneliness to attachment; then this attachment with all its complications becomes so important, so dominating, that it prevents one from looking at what is. Movement away from what is, is fear, and we try to resolve it by another escape.

This is perpetual motion, apparently away from what is, but in actuality there is no movement at all. So it is only the mind which sees what is and doesn't move away from it in any direction that is free of what is.

Since this chain of cause and effect is the action of loneliness, it is clear that the only ending of loneliness is the ending of this action.



[User Picture]
Date:August 6th, 2015 - 07:34 pm
Biju aizrāvusies ar Krišnamurti kādu laiku atpakaļ. Un Teozofiju. Baigi aizrāvusies, it īpaši kā viņi viņu arhitektūrā atspoguļo - ir te daži teozofijas/arhitektūŗas spīdekļi holandē
Bet baigi labais izvilkums - tieši par vientulību domāju pēdējā laikā. Daudz.
[User Picture]
Date:August 7th, 2015 - 05:31 am
arhitektūrā?? iedod linku, tas gan interesanti.
jā, viņam ir vesela grāmata par vientulību
un vispār es tā padomāju ka lielāko daļu telpas aizņem bailes no vientulības un raušanās no viņas projām, un varbūt ja izdara tā kā viņš saka, "stay in communion with loneliness", viss noklust? skaidrs ka šitais ir jāizpīpē, ar vientulību tu esi tik neaizsargāts
[User Picture]
Date:August 7th, 2015 - 05:39 am
bet kāda teozofija? Blavatska?
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