iedvesmai... ;)

Current Mood: kareivīgs
It's up to you.- old track - | |
14th December 2005
iedvesmai... ;)
: ![]() Current Mood: kareivīgs
LBK rulzzz
: Mācību programma ir to priekšmetu esence, kas tieši sajūdzas ar nākamā speciālista darbalauku.
wtf? :)))
Indigo Child : It looks like you fit the characteristics of an Indigo. You have reached a certain level of spiritual enlightenment, and are here to help lift our planet up out of its current troubles. You have always known you were different and special, and care deeply about humanity as a whole. Good luck in your mission; we are all going to need it. Could you be an Indigo child? brought to you by Quizilla |