str | 23. Mar 2012 14:11 aprēķini savus riskus! http://calculators.epnet.com/HealthRiskAssessorsHome.aspx
stress> You indicated that you experience numerous stress-related symptoms. You may think that you have your stress under control, but your body would probably not agree.
We are surely not as stressed as our prehistoric ancestors, who frequently faced life-threatening situations. We don't have to worry about being eaten by a saber-toothed tiger on the way up to our tree house. Nevertheless, we react similarly to the more minor stressors present in our lives, particularly when they are multiple and cumulative. This is due to 'stress sensitivity'.
With stress sensitivity, your body reacts to things you consider to be minor stressors as if they were life threatening. With chronic stress, this reaction can alter physical patterns in your brain, slowly disable your immune system, weaken your heart, elevate your blood sugar, and cause muscle atrophy--just to mention a few effects. Unquestionably, stress can alter our minds and bodies to the point of becoming a permanent process, particularly if we experienced childhood trauma. Please consider adopting some of our stress management strategies before your symptoms cause an even more serious situation in your life. Read Comments |