e-boy hair

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Wednesday Sep. 16th, 2020 | 23:48

Kad atgriezīšos Latvijā, iešu uz frizētavu un lūgšu e-zēna matu griezumu.

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Comments {5}


from: [info]special_k
date: Thursday Sep. 17th, 2020 - 10:44

"Zini, neraudi vairāk, man acīs asaru nav
Lūdzu nesaki neko, lai dzīvo klusuma vārdi"



from: [info]slikts
date: Thursday Sep. 17th, 2020 - 19:36

Nē zēna



from: anonymous
date: Sunday Sep. 27th, 2020 - 22:55

Ak tā to tagad sauc, paldies par info.
Es to līdz šim būtu saucis par goršok, vai par Take That frizūru.

Bet lai kā to sauktu, tas jau ir pārāk 2019.
Nogriez labāk mullet vai mullhawk.



from: anonymous
date: Thursday Oct. 8th, 2020 - 18:04

The current new wave is a fusion of eboy and gorpcore with some light hippie/psychedelic elements. No flashy eboy jewellery or tatts allowed in this core though.

I laugh when I see guys wearing all black slim fit with a moustache and rolled up yamaka, who walk around thinking they're totally on trend.

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from: [info]sramgni
date: Thursday Oct. 8th, 2020 - 20:10

Thanks, /fa/.

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