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small report [Oct. 8th, 2010|02:19 am]
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[Current Mood |luftbalon]
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i just watched filmu 'signs'.
prātā nāk divas lietas:
1) sen nekas nav dzirdēts par mūsu draugiem planētiešiem. [vai arī es vnk esmu kļuvusi pārāk veca to bother about that] vsp bija bišku skērī pat
2) žēl, ka vakins ir zudis no kinopasaules uz kādu laiku [cerams]. džī - he's one hell of an actor [un i had a laugh due to him here]

police: So he was tall?
gibsons: I-I would say so, yes.
vakins: Probably.
police: Over 6 feet?
vakins: It was very dark.
gibsons: Yes, it was.
police: How certain are you that this was a male?
vakins: Oh, I don't know... I don't know any girls who could run like that.
police: I don't know, Merrill. I've seen some of those women on the Olympics. They can run like the wind.
vakins: This guy got on our roof in, like, a second. O-Our roof is 10 feet high.
police: They have women high jumping in the Olympics. They got these Scandinavian women who can jump clean over me.
gibsons: Caroline, I know you're making a point here, but I just don't know what it is.
police: An out-of-town woman stopped by the diner yesterday afternoon and started yelling and cussing because they didn't have her favorite cigarettes at the vending machine. She scared a couple of the customers. No one's seen her since. And my point is, we don't know anything about the person you saw, and we should just keep all possibilities available.
vakins: Excluding the possibility that a female Scandinavian Olympian was running around outside our house last night, what else might be a possibility?
police: I'm not done asking questions, and I don't appreciate sarcasm.
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