Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - May 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 12th, 2009

dīvānu paradīze [May. 12th, 2009|01:35 am]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood |very sleepy]
[Current Music |bird singing outside my window]

i can't tell if i'm normal any more.

physically: i feel kinda dizzy 2 days i a row.
my head aches, my stomach plays some games with refusing food.
and i have lost the whole sense of reality.
i feel also tipsy, well - not really drunk, but near that. it's like just starting to reach your limits [in drinking].

and i'm not sure that i'm mentally sane.
my brain is all funny. it responses and works much quicker than normally.
but it [the brain] is also kinda heavy there [in my head].
yes, if course - the insomnia is back. in much greater form than before.
but i can still keep up.

and the worst part of it is:
- there are birds outside my window. singing all the time. [even right now at 1:44 a.m.. and yesterday at 4:55 a.m.]
and not usual birds, but the special ones. the ones from 'the sweeney todd' movie soundrack 'green finch and linnet bird'.
the bird outside my window sings perfectly the same tune.
probably that's a finch. i doubt there are any linnets here.

maybe i really am loosing my mind.. who knows..
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T.A.S. [May. 12th, 2009|07:25 pm]
[Tags|, , ]
[Current Mood |beeming]
[Current Music |eclipse [ab]]

- otrā zīme.
- beidzot.
- es jau sāku uztraukties.
- jā, es arī.
- dīvaini... esmu tik ļoti pieradusi pie zīmēm, ka bez tām, šķiet, ka daru kko nepareizi.
- smieklīgi, būtu atbilstošāks vārds.
- jā.. bet tas ir tāds atvieglojums..
- domāju gan. tā pirmā jau nemaz nebija zīme, drīzāk sakritība.
- pšš..
- zinu, zinu - "there are no accidents" or coincidences, whatever you call them these days.
- you've got my point.
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