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brīnumu klubi [Dec. 4th, 2009|12:51 pm]
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[Current Mood |headache]
[Current Music |muse - i belong to you]


* The Club (1980)
* Fight Club (1999)
* The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
* The Friday Night Knitting Club (2010)
* The Monster Club (1980)
* The Cotton Club (1984)
* The Breakfast Club (1985)
* The First Wives Club (1996)
* The Joy Luck Club (1993)
* The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy (2000)
* The Baby-Sitters Club (1995)
* The Players Club (1998)
* The Cheyenne Social Club (1970)
* Billionaire Boys Club (1987)
* The Boys Club (1997)
* The Dead Boys' Club (1993)
* Sad Fuckers Club (2001) [kas īstenībā ir Crush nosaukums iekš UK]
* The 27 Club (2008)
* The Abduction Club (2002)
* The Cemetery Club (2006)
* The Ghost Club (2003)
* The Laughing Club of India (1999)
* Club Vampire (1998)
* The Vampire Club (2009)
* Liars Club (2001)
* Dance Club (2002)
* Knight Club (2001)
* Night Club (1983)
* The Mushroom Club (2005)
* Film Club (2000)
* Death Wish Club (1983)
* The Enemies Club (2000)
* The Eveless Eden Club (1916)
* The Evil Breakfast Dead Club (2010)

un vēl ir tāda grupa - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
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Date:December 6th, 2009 - 05:44 pm

one day I'll be a member. to almost all of them. I promise.

es pat nespēju izvēlēties, kurš no viņiem visiem ir labāks. visi ir tik Lieliski [atsaucoties uz šodienas aktuālāko vārdu].