Izrādās, ASV kādam ir iešāvusies prātā spožā ideja kovidniekus, kas ir uz izveseļošanās takas, sūtīt uz veco ļaužu pansionātiem. NY un NJ metušies šo ideju aktīvi īstenot, NY vien uz pansionātiem nosūtot 4500+ covid pacientus. https://apnews.com/5ebc0ad45b73a899efa81f098330204cNebija tālu jālasa, lai uzzinātu, ka vainīgs ir tikai Donalds, bet nabaga mazajam NY štatam, kam nav nedz ekspertu, nedz naudas, nācies vien sekot briesmīgajiem ieteikumiem (AP šoreiz apraksta situāciju ļoti korekti, brašais spinotājs ir NY gubernators): Cuomo has deflected criticism over the nursing home directive by saying it stemmed from Trump administration guidance.Tālāk gan izrādās, ka ir bijis uztraukums par brīvo vietu trūkumu slimnīcās (kas gan nonāk nelielā pretrunā ar Kuomo teikto): Cuomo administration officials say the original directive came when the governor feared the hospital system would be overwhelmed and was focused on creating as much hospital space as possible.Un vēl izrādās, ka bija iespējams rīkoties arī citādi: Still, few states went as far as New York and neighboring New Jersey, which has the second-most care home deaths, in discharging hospitalized coronavirus patients to nursing homes. California followed suit but loosened its requirement following intense criticism.... Some states went in the opposite direction. Louisiana barred hospitals for 30 days from sending coronavirus patients to nursing homes with some exceptions. And while Louisiana reported about 1,000 coronavirus-related nursing home deaths, far fewer than New York, that was 40% of Louisiana’s statewide death toll, a higher proportion than in New York.</i>
Tags: asv, kovidnieks, nāve, politika