Decembris 22., 2009
smille | 17:43 Šodienas prieks - nejauši uzšķirts citāts. Īstajā laikā un vietā: "If there is an end there is no God. Creation by God never ends, so creation of your movemens never ceases. The moment you say, "I have got it", you hav lost everything you had. As soon as something comes, you have to go one step further. Then there is evolution. The moment you say "I am satisfied with that", that means stagnation has come. That is the end of your learning; you have closed the windows of your intellect. So let me do what I cannot do, not what I can do. You have always to do a little bit more than you think you can, in quality and in quantity. This is what leads ultimately to beaty and greatness" (Iyengar, "Light on life, ...")
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