печально быть антисоциальным - Forgetting Lyrics?

Jun. 8th, 2006

12:53 am - Forgetting Lyrics?

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Well the show must go on, you have a few choices depending on the music you play and the acoustic enviroment.

1) If the musical situation is appropriate, scream anything.
2) Just sing, Not any words, just things such 'aah', once again this is an musical situation that may not apply to all, a grindcore band probably can't get away with this mid verse.

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Date:June 8th, 2006 - 12:54 am
reminds me, kā džūrelis koncertā viļņā dziedāja "ak un ziniet, šajā vietā es izrādās esmu aizmirsis tekstu" skaidrā latviešu valodā protams :)
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