- 27.2.03 22:28
- Pēkšņi radusies nepatika rakstīt dienasgrāmatu. Laikam būšu pārmuldējusies, mutē šķērma garša no man neraksturīgiem vārdiem. Jāpaklusē.
(Kam es to vēstu?)
Un vēl - visiem, kam esmu ko solījusi, - kaut kad jau izpildīšu. - 9 rakstapiebildīšu
- What is ICQ
- 27.2.03 23:20
Jerry the Mouse
Simply a Way to Communicate
As the name implies, ICQ or 'I Seek You' is simply a clever way of getting in touch with people. This small program takes the complicated work of finding friends, colleagues and people with similar interests across the globe, people who could be communicating by email, chat, SMS, phone or pager, and makes it as straight forward as calling across a room and starting a friendly conversation.
What Can I Do With ICQ?
The most popular method of communication on ICQ is instant messaging, enabling you to send a message that immediately pops up on an online contact's screen. ICQ also lets you chat, send emails, SMS and wireless-pager messages, as well as transfer files and URLs. ICQphone incorporates IP telephony functions enabling you to engage in PC-to-PC and PC-to-phone calls. Used in multiple-user mode, groups can conduct conferences or play games with ICQ. In fact, ICQ supports a variety of popular Internet applications and serves as a Universal Platform from which you can launch peer-to-peer applications.
ICQ brings together the most widely used methods of communication in the simplest way.
ICQ - The Community
ICQ is also a global community that puts you in touch with friends you already know and friends you haven't met yet. Just as search engines help you find information, ICQ helps you find people. The ICQ Community can connect you to people with similar interests, beliefs and passions whether you're looking for bankers, Buddhists or bachelors.
ICQ has amassed over 120 million users in more than 245 countries since its launch in November 1996, so whatever the topic, or the time of day, you can pretty much guarantee that there are people discussing it on ICQ. ICQ hosts an exciting range of community features including Message Boards, Chat Rooms, Interest Groups, ICQ Match, User Lists, Game Partners and Whitepages (people search). - piebilst
- Re: What is ICQ
- 27.2.03 23:41
Nja. Tieši tas man vēl trūka:/
- piebilst
- Re: What is ICQ
- 27.2.03 23:46
Jerry the Mouse
da tas tā
bet īstenībā tas ir labāk nekā izklausās - piebilst
- Re: What is ICQ
- 28.2.03 00:16
Tieši tāpēc. Tas varētu būt pārāk labi.
- piebilst