05 Jūlijs 2010 @ 20:33
Man ir atradusies jauna lasāmviela zem nosaukumu- Demonica series by Larissa Ione.
Demonica sastāv pašlaik no piecām grāmatām. Katrā no tām tiek stāstīts par aizliegtajām attiecībām starp cilvēkiem un dēmoniem. Nu, kaut kas līdzīgs kā "Krēslas" sāgā. Bet šīs grāmatas ir vairāk domātas pieaugušo auditorijai, jo tās ir nenormāli pikantas un uzbudinošas. Pašlaik lasu pirmo no tām- Pleasure unbound.
Vairāk par viņu un viņas grāmatām- šeit.
Bet es eju tālāk būt mitra.
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zazazumm[info]zazazumm on 5. Jūlijs 2010 - 20:40
ieraksti kadu hot rindkopu :)
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skandaloza[info]skandaloza on 5. Jūlijs 2010 - 20:42
He hissed when she grasped his erection. Oh, my. She measured his length and
thickness with her fingers, and for a moment she wondered if there would be any pain
when he entered her, but then she remembered that this was a dream, and nothing hurt
in a dream.
“Tayla,” he whispered against her neck, “you‟re injured. We have to be caref—”
She squeezed his shaft, and his words cut off with a strangled moan. Slowly, she
stroked, rubbed her palm over the velvety head and then took him in her fist again. His
ragged, sharp breaths feathered over her skin as she worked him, and when she trailed
a fingertip through the drop of moisture that welled at the tip of his cock, something
seemed to break inside him. The wall that had restrained him crumbled, and suddenly
his hands were everywhere at once, his mouth devouring her cheekbone, her jaw, her
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Demongirl: wicked[info]demongirl on 5. Jūlijs 2010 - 22:52
Āāāā, nu tāds teaser fragments, ka es tagad vienkārši esmu beigta un man to grāmatu vajag! :D
Tev ir grāmatas, vai Tu lasi internetā?
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skandaloza[info]skandaloza on 5. Jūlijs 2010 - 22:55
Es viņas nokačāju pdf formātā.
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maarinja[info]maarinja on 5. Jūlijs 2010 - 23:41
izklausās daudzsološi - vai varētu Tev palūgt viņas uz e-pastu? :)
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skandaloza[info]skandaloza on 6. Jūlijs 2010 - 00:05
Iedodiet savus e-pastus un es aizsūtīšu.
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niko: riley[info]klaudlet on 6. Jūlijs 2010 - 00:07
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maarinja[info]maarinja on 6. Jūlijs 2010 - 10:11
Paldies :)
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Demongirl: wicked[info]demongirl on 6. Jūlijs 2010 - 16:39
Paaaaldies ;)
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silver_angel[info]silver_angel on 6. Jūlijs 2010 - 02:01

Man arii luudzu :)
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