August 16th, 2014

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11:19 pm - NPC
I burn bright and fast, way too fast. I need to have it all and have it now. And after...all that is left is nothing. Sparks of life here and there like resuscitation keep the flame going, but there will be no fire. Inbetween is where it's at. Maybe that is all I am meant to have, maybe that is the purpose. Interfere, sway, influence, but never really have a plotline.

Not to rush ahead of things, not to look into the future (because, really, I don't want to know before I find out), beautiful city nights are a consolation. The lights whisper to me the secrets of all lost souls and assure me there is a future to look into, while I race past tall glass citadels, which I have seen in my dreams - they are a part of me now.

As the wind carries my thoughts, someone somewhere will tell that story of a wanderer, who can't find a place on Earth, whom life keeps throwing around, restless and absent.

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Date:January 12th, 2015 - 06:25 pm
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, so they say. And yet, the chance of achieving escape velocity grows by the day, by each line of code, by every data point.
Mental Asphyxia - NPC

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