September 26th, 2009

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08:18 pm - Btw

(3 saka | komentÄ“t)


[User Picture]
Date:September 26th, 2009 - 08:29 pm
Everyone is such an exaggeration. Jack is just a modern guy (likes anyone with a post code), Ianto likes only Jack, Tosh has her moments, Owen likes (to have sex) only (with) humans, but Gwen is more or less straight (when not affected by some weird alien).
Come to think of it, I do see a trend there.
[User Picture]
Date:September 26th, 2009 - 08:39 pm
Jack is soooo gay. And that is soooo sad, 'cause he's only guy who can be taken as cute in all that mess.
Ianto lookes gay from the beginning.
Tosh should be lesbian. It suits her.
Don't care about Owen.
Gwen should be all over Jack, sadly.
Mental Asphyxia - Btw

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