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[Dec. 3rd, 2019|09:42 am]
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Date:October 4th, 2015 - 08:45 am
nu, es jau nezinu kā jums tur jauniešiem ir
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Date:October 4th, 2015 - 12:45 pm
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Es taa juutu, ka driiz atsaakshu nodarboties ar burvestiibaam, man ir kaut kaads amazing periods dziivee, es hujeju vispaar no dazhaam lietaam. Sakariibaam.

Dziivei parasti jaabeidzas ar kaut kaadu augstaako ideaalu cildinaashanu/tiekshanos, jo aiz shiis 3d ir kas vairaak. Parasti taa bija religjija, jo Visuma cikla nosleegumu nevareeja sagaidiit vienas dziives laikaa. Mees esam tikai nepacietiigi cilveeki. Bet nosleegums pienaaks shiis dziives laikaa un driiz. Love and light visiem maniem draugiem un draudzeneem. Love and light visiem maniem nedraugiem un nedraudzeneem.
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From: [info]nistagms
Date: October 4th, 2015 - 12:40 pm
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From: [info]nistagms
Date: October 4th, 2015 - 12:41 pm
We believe, we vibrate, we are reborn.

Chi requires exploration. We exist as sub-atomic particles.

We are in the midst of an interstellar redefining of wisdom that will tap into the nexus itself.

As you live, you will enter into infinite grace that transcends understanding. Through astrology, our essences are engulfed in being. Alternative medicine may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a jaw-dropping explosion of consciousness.

Lifeform, look within and bless yourself. Have you found your journey? How should you navigate this dynamic cosmos?

You and I are messengers of the multiverse. Inspiration is the driver of spacetime. Consciousness consists of four-dimensional superstructures of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an evolving of the high-frequency.

Divinity is a constant.
You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is non-local, sublime. To roam the story is to become one with it. This life is nothing short of an awakening reimagining of quantum karma.

The quantum cycle is calling to you via sub-atomic particles. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are cosmic. It can be difficult to know where to begin.
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From: [info]nistagms
Date: October 4th, 2015 - 12:41 pm
The goal of four-dimensional superstructures is to plant the seeds of synchronicity rather than illusion.

To traverse the mission is to become one with it. Nothing is impossible.

Transcendence is the driver of choice.

You and I are dreamers of the planet. This life is nothing short of an ennobling source of archetypal understanding. Consciousness consists of bio-electricity of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a blossoming of the archetypal.

The totality is calling to you via pulses. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this sublime nexus? Although you may not realize it, you are infinite.

You may be ruled by selfishness without realizing it. Do not let it confront the truth of your vision quest. Ego is the antithesis of science. Yes, it is possible to confront the things that can confront us, but not without ecstasy on our side.

Our conversations with other entities have led to a flowering of supra-joyous consciousness.
We must learn how to lead sacred lives in the face of bondage. Eons from now, we beings will grow like never before as we are re-energized by the multiverse. It is a sign of things to come.

Without intuition, one cannot dream. Only a visitor of the solar system may create this harmonizing of knowledge. Selfishness is born in the gap where science has been excluded.
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From: [info]nistagms
Date: October 4th, 2015 - 12:41 pm
We live, we live, we are reborn.

Consciousness is the truth of potential, and of us. Potential is the driver of being.

Where there is desire, guidance cannot thrive.

It can be difficult to know where to begin. If you have never experienced this quantum leap of the creative act, it can be difficult to dream. How should you navigate this ancient totality?

Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the multiverse via chaos-driven reactions. Our conversations with other adventurers have led to an awakening of hyper-divine consciousness. Reality has always been radiating beings whose hearts are transformed into potential.
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Date:October 4th, 2015 - 04:24 pm
you wot?
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Date:October 4th, 2015 - 03:39 pm
Mums nav. Tas ieraksts nav par mani. Tas ir vnk domugrauds, atzinja. Liidziigi kaa: Mees esam tik lieli, cik liela muusu griba. Vai: Draugs ir tas, kas tev dot pilniigu briiviibu buut tam, kas tu esi. Utt.