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PseudoSkeptics / Closed-Minded Skeptics [Sep. 16th, 2016|10:00 pm]
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Does not question anything from established non-religious institutions, but takes whatever they say on faith and demands that others do the same.
Does not ask questions to try to understand new things, but judges them by whether they fit into orthodoxy.
Applies "critical thinking" only to that which opposes orthodoxy or materialism, but never to the status quo itself.
Immediately judges as false and debunks anything that contradicts their paradigm.
Are not interested in truth, evidence or facts, only in defending their views.
Cannot think in terms of possibilities, but sees their paradigms as fixed and constant.
Are willing to lie and deceive to discredit their opponents.
Automatically dismisses and denies all data that contradicts materialism and orthodoxy.
Are judgmental and quick to draw conclusions about things they know little or nothing about.
Scoffs and ridicules what they oppose instead of using objective analysis and examination.
When faced with evidence or facts they can't refute, uses semantics, word games and denial to try to obfuscate the issue.
Unable to adapt their paradigms to new evidence, and denies data which doesn't fit into them.
When all conventional explanations for an unexplainable phenomenon are ruled out, are still not able to accept paranormal ones.
Dislikes mystery and uncertainty, and insist that all unknown phenomena must have a mundane explanation.
Views the scientific establishment as a religion and authority to be taken on faith and never questioned or challenged. Does not understand the difference between the scientific process/methodology and the scientific establishment institution.
Assumes that the scientific establishment is objective and unbiased, and free of politics, corruption, control, censorship and suppression for no other reason than blind faith in authority.
Will never admit that they are wrong no matter what, regardless of evidence.
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Date:September 16th, 2013 - 11:10 pm
Laikam vislabākais ir būt Open Minded skeptiķim.
[User Picture]
Date:September 17th, 2013 - 06:52 am
tā kā Mirtas tante nošmorēja garšīgāk nemaz nevar būt
Date:September 17th, 2013 - 06:57 pm
Šodien noberzu kāju
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2013 - 11:43 pm
Manuprāt, viena no lielākajām problēmām ir tā, ka cilvēki reizēm "argumentētu diskusiju" uztver kā tādu sacensību, kurā svarīgākais ir nevis nonākt tuvāk patiesībai, bet sakaut pretinieku un viņa viedokli. Tas noved, piemēram, pie tā, ka cilvēks atsakās mainīt savu viedokli pārliecinošu pierādījumu gaismā un spītīgi turas pie saviem sākotnējiem uzskatiem, jo zaudēt tos nozīmētu zaudēt intelektuālajā cīņā.
[User Picture]
Date:September 17th, 2013 - 02:13 am
Tas tāpēc, ka visiem tāpat skaidrs, ka katrs pieturēsies pie sava enīvei, viena pasaules uzskats ir veidojies daudzu gadu gaitā un to neizmainīs kaut kāda diskusija internetā, vienīgais, ko var darīt - samazināt pseidoskeptiķu iedomību, parādot viņu vājos punktus un viltus argumentus.
[User Picture]
Date:September 17th, 2013 - 02:32 am
Te ir apskatīts pierādījumu jautājums:
[User Picture]
Date:September 17th, 2013 - 06:50 am
kas ta tā foulija tāda ir?