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[Jul. 4th, 2023|10:37 am]
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Date:July 5th, 2017 - 06:11 am
Ko Tramps par to tvītoja 26. jūnijā:
The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win and did not want to "rock the boat." He didn't "choke," he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good. The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia under a magnifying glass, they have zero "tapes" of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction. I should be given apology!
23. jūnijā:
Former Homeland Security Advisor Jeh Johnson is latest top intelligence official to state there was no grand scheme between Trump & Russia. By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them? Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election). It's all a big Dem HOAX!
16. jūnijā:
They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice. You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history - led by some very bad and conflicted people! Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are? Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?

Iespējams, galvenais iemesls, kāpēc Tramps atlaida Komiju, bija tāds, ka Komijs palaida Hilariju vaļā vēl pirms vēlēšanām, kad viņa iekļuva slepenas informācijas nopludināšanas skandālā, par kādiem citi amerikāņi, pat par niecīgu daļu no tā, ko izdarīja Hilarija, nonāk aiz restēm uz vairākiem gadiem un zaudē karjeru. Viņš vnk palaida viņu vaļā. Tagad, kad Komijs ir prom, tiks atsākta Hilarijas saukšana pie atbildības, wait and see.
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Date:July 6th, 2017 - 10:15 pm
I call HAX!