Comments: |
ko nu ņemies, visu, ko viņš ir uzrakstījis var nopirkt divās grāmatās, kas par lētu naudu nopērkamas jebkurā antikvariātā
tu jau ar' - tikai tiešos zaudējumus rēķini. Nemaz neņem vērā viņa ietekmi uz prātiem un izrietošu rīcību neaptveramos tēriņos..
viņa ietekmē var nopirkt:
a) prostitūtu, ar ko paplāpāt; b) grāmatu par Džuandzi, kurš sapņoja, ka pārvārties par taurioņu; c) vecu skaņuplati*
* "Besides, I wanted to find a record store that was open on Sunday. There was this record I wanted to get for Phoebe, called "Little Shirley Beans." It was a very hard record to get. It was about a little kid that wouldn't go out of the house because two of her front teeth were out and she was ashamed to. I heard it at Pencey. A boy that lived on the next floor had it, and I tried to buy it off him because I knew it would knock old Phoebe out, but he wouldn't sell it. It was a very old, terrific record that this colored girl singer, Estelle Fletcher, made about twenty years ago. She sings it very Dixieland and whorehouse, and it doesn't sound at all mushy. If a white girl was singing it, she'd make it sound cute as hell, but old Estelle Fletcher knew what the hell she was doing, and it was one of the best records I ever heard."
sviestmaizi ar aukstu cāli
bet tās banānzivtiņas jau arī viņš, laikam, ir izdomājis...
ticamības momentu piešķir klaunzivtiņu esamība. Lai labi kožas šovakar!
un man vienmēr labāk paticis stāsts "Labi kožas banānzivtiņas" nekā tas neko neizsakošais, neizteiksmīgais "Laba diena banānzivtiņām"
atradies gudrinieks, it kaa bikses maksaatu vaajpraatiigu naudu | |