kas ir alt-right? |
[Feb. 19th, 2018|04:52 pm] |
For the past year, Patrik Hermansson, a young, gay, anti-racist activist from Sweden has been undercover inside the alt-right for HOPE not hate. He risked all to go undercover in some of the most notorious far-right networks in the US and the UK, culminating in the violent clashes in Charlottesville.
Comments: |
| From: | sramgni |
Date: | February 19th, 2018 - 05:50 pm |
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Kārtējā īpašā sniegpārsliņa. SJW un špengleri.
| From: | ulvs |
Date: | February 19th, 2018 - 06:42 pm |
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Hah, cilvēki apvainojas pat par to, ka eksistē kaut kādi alt right fetišisti. Labs. Total snowflake syndrom.
es visu pētījumu neapskatīju, bet nu ātri izritinot cauri, kļuva skaidrs, ka alt-right far-out nazi sympathizers.
| From: | ulvs |
Date: | February 19th, 2018 - 08:10 pm |
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Parasti dročītāji. Tāpat kā far left, tā arī far right.
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | February 19th, 2018 - 09:27 pm |
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cik dziļa, pārsteidzoša atziņa! tas nekas, ka paša nacisma iedalījums iekš far-right ir diskutabls, ja vien nespekulējam, ka far-right un far-left kādā brīdī sāk sakrist un pārklāties.
okok, muļkīgi izteicos — tā nav gluži atziņa, jo tas ir bijis jau zināms iepriekš, bet nu šoreiz ar labākiem pierādījumiem. For almost a year I’ve been at the heart of a world of extreme racism, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, esoteric nazi rituals and wild conspiracy theories. What I found was a movement that sometimes glorifies Nazi Germany, openly supports genocidal ideas and is unrelentingly racist, sexist and homophobic.
Kā joks šis pat nevelk uz cehs.lv līmeni. Bet A par mēģinājumu :)
nu, vienkārši piezīme sev, ka These are organisations that actively foment hate and promote violence towards large groups of people. They are dangerous and their dangerous ideology must be confronted, wherever it appears.
4chan projekts, LOL. Tur vēl pietrūka piena :D
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | February 20th, 2018 - 10:33 am |
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vispasaules alt-right sazvērestība pret godīgiem, miermīligiem pilsoņiem, sējot naidu, neiecietību un šausmas :( | |