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Mar. 22nd, 2011 | 01:20 am
Vakar Jeruzālemē visu dienu smaržoja pēc lietus un vējš plivināja daudzo Esteru kleitas, astoņkāju taustekļus, peļu ausis un baiso monstru astes. Noraugoties uz visu šo skaistumu, jutos laimīgi un skumji vienlaikus - laikam tas no daudzā alus, ko izdzērām Purima naktī ar
berta_kibicers + L. un R. klenderējot par Jeruzālemes bāriem.
Par mīlestību neesmu droša, bet ceļojuma beigās labākās zāles pret skumjām ir .
Villa Garikula from bottom to top consists of: a wine cellar, meeting room or an exhibition space, studios, living rooms, corridors, kitchen and terraces, dining room, balconies and tower as well as separate building for bathrooms. Spacious balconies with 19th c. French tiles, and terraces with ceramic floors are used as summer studios.
The fourth floor tower overlooks garden and fruit trees, the vineyard and the outermost part of village and has a beautiful view of mountains to the North and South, including Caucasus and Trialeti ranges.
Most of 2400 sq. m of land is occupied by fruit trees and a vineyard, whereas hedges consist of "slivy", local plums used for making vodka.
Par mīlestību neesmu droša, bet ceļojuma beigās labākās zāles pret skumjām ir .
Villa Garikula from bottom to top consists of: a wine cellar, meeting room or an exhibition space, studios, living rooms, corridors, kitchen and terraces, dining room, balconies and tower as well as separate building for bathrooms. Spacious balconies with 19th c. French tiles, and terraces with ceramic floors are used as summer studios.
The fourth floor tower overlooks garden and fruit trees, the vineyard and the outermost part of village and has a beautiful view of mountains to the North and South, including Caucasus and Trialeti ranges.
Most of 2400 sq. m of land is occupied by fruit trees and a vineyard, whereas hedges consist of "slivy", local plums used for making vodka.